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March 20, 2020

1. Nanoscale Energy Transport: Emerging Phenomena, Methods and Applications, edited by B. Liao, Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, 2020.

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7. K. Esfarjani, H. Stokes, S. N. Sadeghi, Y. Liang, B. Timalsina, H. Meng, J. Shiomi, B. L. Liao, R. Sun, ALADYN: a set of Anharmonic LAttice
DYNamics codes to compute thermodynamic and thermal transport properties of crystalline solids
, arXiv: 2501.02113, 2025.

6. Y. Quan and B. L. Liao, Coupled electron-phonon hydrodynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors, arXiv: 2411.14649, 2024.

5. Y. Chen, T. Kongruengkit, A. C. Salinas, R. Yang, Y. Quan, F. Zhang, G. Pokharel, L. Kautzsch, S. Mu, S. D. Wilson, J. W. Harter and B. L. Liao, Absence of phonon softening across a charge density wave transition due to quantum fluctuations, arXiv: 2410.10992, 2024.

4. U. Choudhry, J. Zhang, K. Huang, E. Low, Y. Quan, B. Shaheen, R. Gnabasik, J. Yan, A. Rubio, K. S. Burch and B. L. Liao, Insulator-to-metal transition and anomalously slow hot carrier cooling in a photo-doped Mott insulator, arXiv: 2406.07355, 2024.

3. X. Wang, C. A. Gadre, R. Yang, W. Zou, X. Bin, C. Addiego, T. Aoki, Y. Quan, W. Peng, Y. Huang, C. Du, M. Xu,  X. Yan, R. Wu, S. P. Ong, B. L. Liao, P. Cao and X. Pan, Atomic-scale tunable phonon transport at tailored grain boundaries, arXiv: 2405.07464, 2024.

2. N. Drucker, T. Nguyen, M. Mandal, P. Siriviboon, Y. Quan, A. Bookird, R. Okabe, F. Li, K. Buragge, F. Funuma, M. Matsuba, D. Abernathy, T. Williams, S. Chi, F. Ye, C. Nelson, B. L. Liao, P. Volkov, M. Li, Incipient nematicity from electron flat bands in a kagome metal, arXiv: 2401. 17141, 2024

1. B. L. Liao, Where and how is entropy generated in solar energy conversion systems? arXiv: 1802.07404, 2018.

Journal Publications

70. Z. Xiang*, Y. Chen*, Y. Quan and B. L. Liao, High-throughput search for photostrictive materials based on a thermodynamic descriptor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, 33732, 2024. 

69. B. Shaheen, K. Huynh, Y. Quan, U. Choudhry, R. Gnabasik, Z. Xiang, M. Goorsky and B. L. Liao, Imaging hot photocarrier transfer across a semiconductor heterojunction with ultrafast electron microscopy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, e2410428121, 2024.

68. J. Yuan*, R. Yang*, L. Patra* and B. L. Liao, Enhancing magnetocaloric material discovery: A machine leaning approach using an autogenerated database by large language models, AIP Advances, 14, 085125, 2024.

67. Y. Chen, R. Jin, B. L. Liao and S. Mu, Thermoelectric transport in Weyl semimetal BaMnSb2: a first-principles study, Physical Review Materials, 8, 085401, 2024. 

66. L. Patra, Y. Quan and B. L. Liao, Impact of dimensionality on the magnetocaloric effect in two-dimensional magnets, Journal of Applied Physics, 136, 024301, 2024.

65. Y. Quan and B. L. LiaoElectron drag effect on thermal conductivity in two-dimensional semiconductors, Nano Letters, 24, 8143, 2024.

64. R. Okabe, A. Chotrattanapituk, A. Boonkird, N. Andrejevic, X. Fu, T. Smidt, T. Jaakkola, Q. Song, T. Nguyen, N. Drucker, S. Mu, B. L. Liao, Y. Cheng and M. Li, Virtual node graph neural network for full phonon prediction, Nature Computational Science, 4, 522, 2024.

63. W. Ouyang, A. C. Lygo, Y. Chen, H. Zheng, D. Vu, B. L. Wooten, X. Liang, J. P. Heremans, S. Stemmer and B. L. Liao, Extraordinary thermoelectric properties of topological surface states in quantum-confined Cd3As2 thin films, Advanced Materials, 36, 2311644, 2024.

62. F. Zhang, L. Patra, Y. Chen, W. Ouyang, P. Sarte, S. Adajian, X. Zuo, R. Yang, T. Luo and B. L. LiaoRoom-temperature magnetic thermal switching by suppressing phonon-magnon scattering, Physical Review B, 109, 184411, 2024.

61. E. Plunkett*, Y. Quan*, B. L. Liao and M. Chabinyc, Blending poly(3-hexylthiophene) for controlled thermal conductivity, ACS Materials Letters, 6, 10, 2024. 

60. C. Xiao, B. L. Liao and E. W. Hawkes, Passively adaptive radiative switch for thermoregulation in buildings, Device, 2, 100186, 2024.

59.  H. Uchiyama, T.-H. Liu, T. Ono, J. Fujise, B. L. Liao, S. Ju, G. Chen and J. Shiomi, Quantifying doping-dependent electron-phonon scattering rates in silicon by inelastic X-ray scattering and first-principles lattice dynamics, Physical Review Materials, 7, 104601, 2023.

58. R. Yang*, H. Szeto*, B. Zou, E. Spitaleri, B. L. Liao and Y. Zhu, In situ monitoring of lithium electrodeposition using transient grating spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 153903, 2023. (Featured Article)

57. J. Yuan*, Y. Chen* and B. L. Liao, Lattice dynamics and thermal transport in semiconductors with anti-bonding valence bands, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 18506, 2023. 

56. L. Patra and B. L. Liao, Indirect exchange interaction leads to large lattice contribution to magnetocaloric entropy change, Physical Review Letters, 131, 066703, 2023.

55. Y. Quan, Y. Chen and B. L. Liao, Significant phonon drag effect in wide band gap GaN and AlN, Physical Review B, 107, 245202, 2023. (Editors' Suggestion)

54. T. Kim, S. Park, V. Iyer, B. ShaheenU. Choudhry, Q. Jiang, G. Eichman, R. Gnabasik, B. Lawrie, K. Zhu and B. L. Liao, Mapping the pathways of photo-induced ion migration in organic-inorganic hybrid halide perovskites, Nature Communications, 14, 1846, 2023. (Editor's Highlights)

53. W. Ouyang, X. Zuo and B. L. Liao, Impact of photoexcitation on secondary electron emission: a Monte Carlo study, Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 064301, 2023. (Editor's Pick)

52. U. Choudhry, F. Pan, X. He, B. Shaheen, T. Kim, R. Gnabasik, G. A. Gamage, H. Sun, A. Ackerman, D.-S. Yang, Z. Ren and B. L. Liao, Persistent hot carrier diffusion in boron arsenide single crystals imaged by ultrafast electron microscopy, Matter, 6, 206, 2023. 

51. U. Choudhry, T. Kim, M. Adams, J. Ranasinghe, R. Q. Yang and B. L. Liao, Tutorial: Characterizing microscale energy transport in materials with transient grating spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 231101, 2021. (Editor's Pick)

50. T. Kim, S. Oh, U. Choudhry, C. Meinhart, M. L. Chabinyc and B. L. Liao, Transient strain induced electronic structure modulation in a semiconducting polymer imaged by scanning ultrafast electron microscopy, Nano Letters, 21, 9146, 2021

49. S. R. Ellis, N. C. Bartelt, F. Léonard, K. C. Celio, E. J. Fuller, D. R. Hughart, D. Garland, M. J. Marinella, J. R. Michael, D. W. Chandler, B. L. Liao and A. A. Talin, Scanning ultrafast electron microscopy reveals photovoltage dynamics at a deeply buried p-Si/SiO2 interface, Physical Review B, 104, L161303, 2021.

48. J. Wong, A. R. Davoyan, B. L. Liao, A. Krayev, K. Jo, E. Rotenberg, A. Bostwick, C. Jozwiak, D. Jariwala, A. Zewail and H. A. Atwater, Spatiotemporal imaging of thickness-induced band bending junctions, Nano Letters, 21, 5745, 2021.

47. R. Q. Yang, S. Y. Yue, Y. J. Quan and B. L. Liao, Crystal-symmetry-based selection rules on anharmonic phonon-phonon scattering from a group theory formalism, Physical Review B, 103, 184302, 2021.

46. Y. J. Quan, S. Y. Yue and B. L. Liao, Electric field effect on the thermal conductivity of wurtzite GaN, Applied Physics Letters, 118, 162110, 2021.

45. Y. J. Quan, S. Y. Yue and B. L. Liao, Impact of electron-phonon interaction on thermal transport: a review, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 25, 73, 2021. 

44.  W. K. Ouyang, Y. Li, B. Yurash, N. Schopp, A. Vega-Flick, V. Brus, T.-Q. Nguyen and B. L. Liao, Transient grating spectroscopy of photocarrier dynamics in semiconducting polymer thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 253302, 2020.

43. E. Najafi, A. Jafari, B. L. Liao, Carrier density oscillation in the photoexcited semiconductor, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 125102, 2020.

42. S. Y. Yue, B. W. Deng, Y. M. Liu, Y. J. Quan, R. Q. Yang and B. L. Liao, Phonon softening near topological phase transitions, Physical Review B, 102, 235428, 2020.

August 14, 2020

​41. K. A. Peterson, A. Patterson, A. Vega-Flick, B. L. Liao and M. Chabinyc, Doping molecular organic semiconductors by diffusion from the vapor phase, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, available online, 2020.

June 03, 2020

​40. Y. Li, U. Choudhry, J. Ranasinghe, A. Ackerman and B. L. Liao, Probing surface photovoltage effect using photo-assisted secondary electron emission, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124, 5246, 2020.

February 20, 2020

​39. ​​H. T. Chorsi, S. Y. Yue, P. P. Iyer, M. Goyal, T. Schumann, S. Stemmer, B. L. Liao and J. A. Schuller, Widely tunable optical and thermal properties of Dirac semimetal Cd3As2, Advanced Optical Materials, 8, 1901192, 2020.

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November 07, 2019

​38. ​T. Y. Hou, S.-Y. Yue, X. H. Sun, A. R. Fan, Y. Y. Chen, M. J. Wang, S. Cai, C. M. Zheng, B. L. Liao and J. M. Zhao, Nitrogen-doped graphene coated FeS2 microsphere composite as high-performance anode materials for sodium-ion batteries enhanced by the chemical and structural synergistic effect, Applied Surface Science, 505, 144633, 2019.

October 15, 2019

​37. ​S. Y. Yue, H. T. Chorsi, M. Goyal, T. Schumann, R. Q. Yang, T. S. Xu, B. W. Deng, S. Stemmer, J. A. Schuller and B. L. Liao, Soft phonons and ultralow lattice thermal conductivity in the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2, Physical Review Research, 1, 033101, 2019.

October 01, 2019

​36. ​U. Choudhry, S. Y. Yue and B. L. Liao, Origins of significant reduction of lattice thermal conductivity in graphene allotropes, Physical Review B, 100, 165401, 2019.

September 06, 2019

35. S. Y. Yue, R. Q. Yang and B. L. Liao, Controlling thermal conductivity of two-dimensional materials via externally induced phonon-electron interaction, Physical Review B, 100, 115408, 2019.

March 11, 2019

34. A. Vega-Flick, D. Jung, S. Y. Yue, J. E. Bowers and B. L. Liao, Reduced thermal conductivity of epitaxial GaAs on Si due to symmetry-breaking biaxial strain, Physical Review Materials, 3, 034603, 2019.

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December 15, 2018

33. S. Y. Yue, T. S. Xu and B. L. Liao, Ultralow thermal conductivity in a two-dimensional material due to surface-enhanced resonant bonding, Materials Today Physics, 7, 89, 2018.

December 10, 2018

32. R. Q. Yang, S. Y. Yue and B. L. Liao, Hydrodynamic phonon transport perpendicular to diffuse-gray boundaries, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 23, 25, 2019. [Cover Article]

November 07, 2018

31. C. Zhang, S. C. Huberman, S. Ning, J. Pelliciari, R. A. Duncan, B. L. Liao, S. Ojha, J. W. Freeland, K. A. Nelson, R. Comin, G. Chen and C. A. Ross, Thermal conductivity in self-assembled CoFe2O4/BiFeO3 vertical nanocomposite films, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 223105, 2018.

October 04, 2018

30. S.-Y. Yue, L. Cheng, B. L. Liao and M. Hu, Electron-phonon interaction and superconductivity in the high-pressure cI16 phase of lithium from first-principles, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 27125, 2018.

July 10, 2018

29. D.-S. Yang, B. L. Liao and O. F. Mohammed, Scanning ultrafast electron microscopy: Four-dimensional imaging of materials dynamics in space and time, MRS Bulletin, 43, 491, 2018.

April 30, 2018

28. J. W. Zhou, H. T. Zhu, T.-H. Liu, Q. C. Song, R. He, J. Mao, Z. H. Liu, W. Y. Ren, B. L. Liao, D. J. Singh, Z. F. Ren and G. Chen, Large thermoelectric power factor from crystal symmetry-protected non-bonding orbital in half-Heuslers, Nature Communications, 9, 1721, 2018.

January 16, 2018

27. T.-H. Liu, J. W. Zhou, M. D. Li, Z. W. Ding, Q. C. Song, B. L. Liao, L. Fu and G. Chen, Electron mean-free-path filtering in Dirac material for improved thermoelectric performance, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115, 879, 2018.

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September 06, 2017

26. L. Sun, B. L. Liao, D. Sheberla, D. Kraemer, J. W. Zhou, E. A. Stach, D. Zakharov, V. Stavila, A. A. Talin, Y. C. Ge, M. D. Allendorf, G. Chen, F. Léonard and M. Dincă, A Microporous and naturally nanostructured thermoelectric metal-organic framework with ultralow thermal conductivity, Joule, 1, 168, 2017.

August 24, 2017

25. E. Najafi, B. L. Liao, T. Scarborough and A. H. Zewail, Imaging surface acoustic wave dynamics in semiconducting polymers by scanning ultrafast electron microscopy, Ultramicroscopy, 184, 46, 2017.

August 03, 2017

July 23, 2017

23. M. Kaplan, B.-K. Yoo, J. Tang, T. Karam, B. L. Liao, D. Majumdar, D. Baltimore, G. Jensen and A. H. Zewail, Photo-induced near-field electron microscopy (PINEM) of eukaryotic cells, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 129, 11656, 2017.

July 03, 2017

22. B. L. Liao, E. Najafi, H. Li, A. J. Minnich and A. H. Zewail, Photo-excited hot carrier dynamics in hydrogenated amorphous silicon imaged by 4D electron microscopy, Nature Nanotechnology, 12, 871, 2017.

May 29, 2017

21. M. Th. Hassan, J. S. Baskin, B. L. Liao and A. H. Zewail, High-temporal-resolution electron microscopy for imaging ultrafast electron dynamics, Nature Photonics, 11, 425, 2017.

May 15, 2017

20. B. L. Liao*, H. Zhao*, E. Najafi, X. D. Yan, H. Tian, J. Tice, A. J. Minnich, H. Wang and A. H. Zewail, Spatial-temporal imaging of anisotropic photocarrier dynamics in black phosphorus, Nano Letters, 17, 3675, 2017.

February 16, 2017

19. T.-H. Liu, J. W. Zhou, B. L. Liao, D. J. Singh and G. Chen, First-principles mode-by-mode analysis for electron-phonon scattering channels and mean free path spectra in GaAs, Physical Review B, 95, 075206, 2017

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October 13, 2016

18. W.-C. Hsu, J. K. Tong, B. L. Liao, Y. Huang, S. V. Boriskina and G. Chen, Entropic and near-field improvements of thermoradiative cells, Scientific Reports, 6, 34837, 2016

October 12, 2016

17. B. L. Liao, A. A. Maznev, K. A. Nelson and G. Chen, Photo-excited charge carriers suppress sub-terahertz phonon mode in silicon at room temperature, Nature Communications, 7, 13174, 2016. Highlighted by MIT News.

June 11, 2016

16. S. V. Boriskina, J. K. Tong, W.-C. Hsu, B. L. Liao, Y. Huang, V. Chiloyan and G. Chen, Heat meets light on the nanoscale, Nanophotonics, 5, 134, 2016. (Invited Review)

March 07, 2016

15. J. W. Zhou, B. L. Liao and G. Chen, First-principles calculations of thermal, electrical and thermoelectric transport properties of semiconductors, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31, 043001, 2016. (Invited Review)

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November 16, 2015

14. J. W. Zhou, B. L. Liao, B. Qiu, S. Huberman, K. Esfarjani, M. S. Dresselhaus and G. Chen, Ab initio optimization of phonon drag effect for lower-temperature thermoelectric energy conversion, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA, 112, 14777, 2015.

September 04, 2015

13. B. L. Liao and G. Chen, Nanocomposites for thermoelectrics and thermal engineering, MRS Bulletin, 40, 746, 2015. (Invited Review)

June 15, 2015

12. B. L. Liao, J. W. Zhou, B. Qiu, M. S. Dresselhaus and G. Chen, Ab initio study of electron-phonon interaction in phosphorene, Physical Review B, 91, 235419, 2015.

March 18, 2015

11. B. L. Liao, B. Qiu, J. W. Zhou, S. Huberman, K. Esfarjani and G. Chen, Significant reduction of lattice thermal conductivity by electron-phonon interaction in silicon with high carrier concentrations: a first-principles study, Physical Review Letters, 114, 115901, 2015.

March 12, 2015

10. B. Qiu, Z. T. Tian, A. Vallabhaneni, B. L. Liao, J. M. Mendoza, O. D. Restrepo, X. L. Ruan and G. Chen, First-principles simulation of electron mean-free-path spectra and thermoelectric properties in silicon, Europhysics Letters, 109, 57006, 2015.

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August 04, 2014

9. W. Q. Shen, T. Tian, B. L. Liao and M. Zebarjadi, Combinatorial approach to identify electronically cloaked hollow nanoparticles, Physical Review B, 90, 075301, 2014.

July 10, 2014

8. B. L. Liao, J. W. Zhou and G. Chen, Generalized two-temperature model for coupled phonon-magnon diffusion, Physical Review Letters, 113, 025902, 2014. Highlighted in MIT News.

January 08, 2014

7. B. L. Liao, S. Lee, K. Esfarjani and G. Chen, First-principles study of thermal transport in FeSb2, Physical Review B, 89, 035108, 2014.

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October 22, 2013

6. B. L. Liao, M. Zebarjadi, K. Esfarjani and G. Chen, Isotropic and energy-selective electron cloaks on graphene, Physical Review B, 88, 155432, 2013.

July 30, 2013

5. Q. Zhang, B. L. Liao, Y. C. Lan, K. Lukas, W. S. Liu, K. Esfarjani, C. Opeil, D. Broido, G. Chen and Z. F. Ren, High thermoelectric performance by resonant dopant indium in nanostructured SnTe, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA, 110, 13261, 2013.

February 04, 2013

4. W. -C. Hsu, J. K. Tong, B. L. Liao, B. R. Burg and G. Chen, Direct and quantitative broadband absorptance spectroscopy on small objects using Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and bilayer cantilever probes, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 051901, 2013.

January 17, 2013

3. M. Zebarjadi*, B. L. Liao*, K. Esfarjani, M. S. Dresselhaus and G. Chen, Enhancing the thermoelectric power factor by using invisible dopants, Advanced Materials, 25, 1577, 2013. Highlighted in MIT News.

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November 29, 2012

2. H. Z. Zhao, M. Pokharel, S. Chen, B. L. Liao, K. Lukas, C. Opeil, G. Chen and Z. F. Ren, Figure-of-merit enhancement in nanostructured FeSb2-xAgx  with Ag1-ySby nanoinclusions , Nanotechnology, 23, 505402, 2012.

September 20, 2012

1. B. L. Liao*, M. Zebarjadi*, K. Esfarjani and G. Chen, Cloaking core-shell nanoparticles from conducting electrons in solids, Physical Review Letters, 109, 126806, 2012. Highlighted by the Physics Synopsis and Nature Nanotechnology.

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1. B. L. Liao, Practical electron cloaking in solids, M.S. Thesis, MIT, 2012.

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